
MACQUEZA Guide: Simple 10 Minutes Makeup Routine

MACQUEZA Guide: Simple 10 Minutes Makeup Routine

Working from home is the new normal at this point. While it may be interesting at first, the sad reality is that it is going to be our reality for a little longer.  However, we can’t expect our lives to slow down just because we’re staying home. So, how do you make sure to look presentable for all your online meetings? The easiest way is just a tinge of makeup. Don’t do it for the sake of doing it, instead allow yourself to feel more confident talking over the video calls.  Here will be my tricks to looking good all...

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MACQUEZA Guide: Treating Oily Skin

MACQUEZA Guide: Treating Oily Skin

You may think glowing skin is pretty but what if it looks like you just painted a layer of grease on your face? Ever heard of sebum? Well, sebum is to keep the skin healthy, however, too much sebum can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne. To manage oily skin, it requires us to make regular skincare a habit.  In this article, I will talk about a few ways to reduce oil production on your skin. Firstly, washing regularly. You may ask, how regularly should I wash? The answer is twice a day. No more, no less.  Personally,...

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MACQUEZA Guide: Dealing with Mask Acne

MACQUEZA Guide: Dealing with Mask Acne

Wearing mask is our new normal and the latest beauty troubles is: Mask Acne or #Maskne. Acne usually develops when pores get clogged by oil, dead skin cells, makeup, dirt, or bacteria. This can lead to blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples that can vary in size and type, depending on how infected they get. The most important step to have when dealing with maskne is making sure that you have a basic skincare routine such as cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing. If you only have mild acne, look for benzolyl peroxide and salicylic acid in skincare ingredients. Benzolyl peroxide will help you to...

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MACQUEZA Guide: How to Recharge Tired, Dull Skin

MACQUEZA Guide: How to Recharge Tired, Dull Skin

We have all experience pulling an all-nighter and waking up the next day with tired, dull (and bloated) skin. So, we came up with 5 ways to revitalized (and debloat) with just a few minutes!  Have a cold shower Forget about having a warm shower, the best way to wake your skin (and mind) up is with a cold shower. This will help to increase your blood flow which will make your skin look more awake. Get some sunshine A little vitamin D can’t harm anyone (remember to put on sunscreen!) DIY face massage Drastic times calls for drastic...

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